Dear colleagues, 


I read your paper with interest. Since my interest is “information”, I focused 
on this concept. 


1.      If I correctly understand, you define information as the 2-log of the 
number of options. I would be inclined to call this the maximum information 
content of an act, using H(max) = 2log(N); in which N is the number of options. 
You do so too at the top of p. 29 (line 1). You organize this under the 
subtitle “Obervation of information”, whereas I would be inclined to consider 
this as the specification. An observation of the number of options used in an 
act would lead to a number lower than the “pure information value”, since not 
all options are always used.


2.      If the information value is equal to the logarithm of the number of 
options, the concept of information only serves analytically as a 
transformation rule for expressing the number of options in bits. The two (N of 
options and n of bits) are coupled to each other in terms of the logarithmic 


3.      At several places, one parameter is not logarithmically transformed 
while others are. For example, at the bottom of p. 25, the 106 people are 
whole-number counted in the multiplication under Presentation 19. One could 
argue that who of the one million people acts, adds another dimension to the 
possible combinations, and should therefore also be brought under the 
logarithm. Are options exclusively individual, and never social?


4.      Is the computational rule in this formula correct given that log(a*b) = 
log(a) + log(b). You compute 16 bits * log(10); but 16 bits is also the result 
of taking a logarithm. (The 16 bits represent the number of options of a human 
body.) Should not you compute the 2log([2^16] * 10)? Or alternatively (16 + 


5.      On p. 28, you move from the conversation of information in isolated 
systems (line 11) to “the rule of the conversation of information for multiple 
acts”. But human agency is not an isolated system, in my opinion. We are 
coupled through our communications which generate non-linear loops. For 
example, one can expect the other to entertain expectations about oneself like 
one entertains expectations about the other (Parsons; Luhmann). In sum, the 
argument that action is only bodily and in relation to artifacts (as isolated 
systems) seems questionable to me. Or is this your “materialistic” assumption 
(p. 1: “Matter is potentiality;” …). Why would not the potentiality of matter 
contain a plurality (multiplication?) of options?


It may be difficult to communicate given different starting points. Please, 
correct me if I misunderstood you.





On Wed, Jul 22, 2015 at 1:33 PM, Pedro C. Marijuan <> 

The informational foundation of the act
Fernando Flores
Lund University

Luis de-Marcos
University of Alcalá

See the whole text at:


Our introducing paper (35 pages) presents a theory that quantifies the 
informational value of human acts. We argue that living is functioning against 
entropy and following Erwin Schrödinger we call this tendency “negentropy”. 
Negentropy is for us the reason behind “order” in social and cultural life. 
Further, we understand “order” as the condition that the world reaches when the 
informational value of a series of acts is low. Acting is presented as a set of 
decisions and choices that create order and this is the key concept of our 
understanding of the variation from simplicity to complexity in human acts. The 
most important aim of our theory is to measure non-economic acts trying to 
understand and explain their importance for society and culture. In their turn 
such a theory will be also important to understand the similarities and 
differences between non-economic and economic acts. 
We follow the classical concept according to which informational value is 
proportional to the unlikelihood of an act. To capture the richness of the 
unlikelihood of human acts we use the frequency theory of probability developed 
by Ludwig von Mises and Karl Popper. Frequency theory of probability allows us 
to describe a variety of acts from the must most “free” to the least “free” 
with respect to precedent acts. In short, we characterize human acts in terms 
of their degree of freedom trying to set up a scale of the information and 
predictability carried out in human decisions. A taxonomy of acts is also 
presented, categorizing acts as destructive, mechanical, ludic or vital, 
according to their degree of freedom (complexity). A formulation to estimate 
the informational value in individual and collective acts follows. The final 
part of the paper presents and discuss the consequences of our theory. We argue 
that artifacts embed information and that modernization can be understood as a 
one-way process to embed acts of high levels of complexity in simple devices. 
However, our theory assumes that the total amount of information in the social 
and cultural world is constant and that Modernity only enables us to 
redistribute our informational potential. We also advocate for the development 
of a new science named “agnumetry”, the science that quantify Modernity, 
measuring the obsolescence of an environment (from agnumy the Greek word for 
In our study of human acts we found that acting can also be classified as 
productive, consumptive and as acts of exchange or economical. The 
informational value of acts can be the expression of any or all of these acting 
forms. We outline the relation between the informational value of production 
and the informational value of consumption (which we call “operative 
information”), and conclude that these acts define the non-economic value. 
Sometimes, and depending on the social level of informational value, the acts 
of exchange emerge defining the informational value of an item at the market, 
an informational value that assumes the shape of “price” justifying the use of 

Pedro C. Marijuán
Grupo de Bioinformación / Bioinformation Group
Instituto Aragonés de Ciencias de la Salud
Centro de Investigación Biomédica de Aragón (CIBA)
Avda. San Juan Bosco, 13, planta X
50009 Zaragoza, Spain
Tfno. +34 976 71 3526 <tel:%2B34%20976%2071%203526>  (& 6818)

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