Just to register.
I watched all Khan Academy videos.
They are awesome!
I will use them with my students.
Thank you.


Moisés André Nisenbaum
Doutorando IBICT/UFRJ. Professor. Msc.
Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro - IFRJ
Campus Maracanã

2015-09-09 19:13 GMT-03:00 Steven Ericsson-Zenith <>:

> Dear List,
> This is the start of the next FIS discussion. And this is the first of
> several emails kicking the discussion off and divided into logical parts so
> as not to confront the reader with too many ideas and too much text at once.
> The subject is one that has concerned me ever since I completed my PhD in
> 1992. I came away from defending my thesis, essentially on large scale
> parallel computation, with the strong intuition that I had disclosed much
> more concerning the little that we know, than I had offered either a
> theoretical or engineering solution.
> For the curious, a digital copy of this thesis can be found among the
> reports of CRI, MINES ParisTech, formerly ENSMP,
>, it is also available as
> a paper copy on Amazon.
> Like many that have been involved in microprocessor and instruction
> set/language design, using mathematical methods, we share the physical
> concerns of a generation earlier, people like John Von Neumann, Alan
> Turing, and Claude Shannon. In other words, a close intersection between
> physical science and machine engineering.
> So I wish to proceed as follows, especially since this is a cross
> disciplinary group:
> First identify a statement of the domain, what is it that I, in
> particular, speak of when we use the term “Information.” I will clarify as
> necessary. I will then discuss the issue of locality, what I think that
> issue is and why it is a problem. Here we will get into several topics of
> classical discussion. I will briefly present my own mathematics for the
> problem in an informal yet rigorous style, reaching into the foundations of
> logic.
> I will then discuss some historical issues in particular referencing
> Benjamin Peirce, Albert Einstein and Alan Turing. And finally discuss the
> contemporary issues, as I see them, in biophysics, biology, and associated
> disciplines, reaching into human and other social constructions, perhaps
> touching on cosmology and the extended role of information theory in
> mathematical physics.
> This will seem very broad but in all cases I will focus upon the issues of
> locality they each present.
> Before my preparations for these discussions I surveyed existing
> pedagogical work to see how our science is currently presented and I came
> across the Khan Academy video series on Information Theory, authored by
> Brit Cruise.
> As flawed as I find this work, it is none-the-less an adequate place for
> us to start and to build upon. It does a good job in briefly presenting the
> work of Claude Shannon and others, in its second part on Modern Information
> Theory.
> I especially encourage advanced readers to take the few minutes it will
> take to review the Origin of Markov Chains, A Mathematical Theory of
> Communication, Information Entropy, Compression Codes and Error Correction
> to set the field and ensure that we are on the same page. You may also find
> the final video on SETI work interesting, it will be relevant as we proceed.
> You can review these short videos on YouTube and here:
> or here:
> I invite you to review these videos as the context for my next posting
> that will be a discussion of what is good about this model, locality, and
> what is, I now argue, fundamentally missing or wrong headed.
> Pedro, at the end of this I will aggregate these parts for the FIS wiki.
> Regards,
> Steven
> --
>     Dr. Steven Ericsson-Zenith, Los Gatos, California. +1-650-308-8611
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