
What about information theories that belong to different categories,
i.e. other than the category of sets,
and which, equally have different Omega Structures
in their corresponding Topos?

Best wishes,


On 7 February 2018 at 19:16, Sungchul Ji <> wrote:

> Hi  FISers,
> On 10/8/2017, Terry wrote:
> " So basically, I am advocating an effort to broaden our discussions and
> recognize that the term information applies in diverse ways to many
> different contexts. And because of this it is important to indicate the
> framing, whether physical, formal, biological, phenomenological,
> linguistic, etc.
> . . . . . . The classic syntax-semantics-pragmatics distinction introduced
> by Charles Morris has often been cited in this respect, though it too is in
> my opinion too limited to the linguistic paradigm, and may be misleading
> when applied more broadly. I have suggested a parallel, less linguistic
> (and nested in Stan's subsumption sense) way of making the division: i.e.
> into intrinsic, referential, and normative analyses/properties of
> information."
> I agree with Terry's concern about the often overused linguistic metaphor
> in defining "information".  Although the linguistic metaphor has its
> limitations (as all metaphors do), it nevertheless offers a unique
> advantage as well, for example, its well-established categories of
> functions (see the last column in *Table 1*.)
> The main purpose of this post is to suggest that all the varied theories
> of information discussed on this list may be viewed as belonging to the
> same category of ITR (Irreducible Triadic Relation) diagrammatically
> represented as the 3-node closed network in the first column of *Table 1*.
> *Table 1.*  The postulated universality of ITR (Irreducible Triadic
> Relation) as manifested in information theory, semiotics, cell language
> theory, and linguistics.
> *Category Theory*
> *   f            g*
> *   A -----> B ------> C     |                           ^
>     |                            |     |______________| **   h*
> *ITR (Irreducible Triadic Relation**)*
> *Deacon’s theory of information*
> *Shannon’s*
> *Theory of*
> *information*
> *Peirce’s theory of signs*
> *Cell language theory*
> *Human language (Function)*
> A
> *Intrinsic *information
> Source
> Object
> Nucleotides*/
> Amion acids
> Letters
> (Building blocks)
> B
> *Referential *information
> Message
> Sign
> Proteins
> Words
> (Denotation)
> C
> *Normative *information
> Receiver
> Interpretant
> Metabolomes
> (Totality of cell metabolism)
> Systems of words
> (Decision making & Reasoning)
> f
> ?
> Encoding
> Sign production
> Physical laws
> Second articulation
> g
> ?
> Decoding
> Sign interpretation
> Evoutionary selection
> First and Third articulation
> h
> ?
> Information flow
> Information flow
> Inheritance
> Grounding/
> Habit
> *Scale* *Micro-Macro?* *Macro* *Macro* *Micro* *Macro*
> *There may be more than one genetic alphabet of 4 nucleotides.  According
> to the "multiple genetic alphabet hypothesis', there are n genetic
> alphabets, each consisting of 4^n letters, each of which in turn
> consisting of n nucleotides.  In this view, the classical genetic
> alphabet is just one example of the n alphabets, i.e., the one with n = 1.
> When n = 3, for example, we have the so-called 3rd-order genetic alphabet
> with 4^3 = 64 letters each consisting of 3 nucleotides, resulting in the
> familiar codon table.  Thus, the 64 genetic codons are not words as widely
> thought (including myself until recently) but letters!  It then follows
> that proteins are words and  metabolic pathways are sentences.  Finally,
> the transient network of metbolic pathways (referred to as
> "hyperstructures" by V. Norris in 1999 and as "hypermetabolic pathways" by
> me more recently) correspond to texts essential to represent
> arguement/reasoning/computing.  What is most exciting is the recent
> discovery in my lab at Rutgers that the so-called "Planck-Shannon plots" of
> mRNA levels in living cells can identify function-dependent "hypermetabolic
> pathways" underlying breast cancer before and after drug
> treatment (manuscript under review).
> Any comments, questions, or suggestions would be welcome.
> Sung
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Alex Hankey M.A. (Cantab.) PhD (M.I.T.)
Distinguished Professor of Yoga and Physical Science,
SVYASA, Eknath Bhavan, 19 Gavipuram Circle
Bangalore 560019, Karnataka, India
Mobile (Intn'l): +44 7710 534195
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2015 JPBMB Special Issue on Integral Biomathics: Life Sciences, Mathematics
and Phenomenological Philosophy
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