Yes this is how I have been fixing the problem. Seems like a pain to have to use both methods, rather than just using the xpath.

Morten Barklund Shockwaved wrote:

Merrill, Jason wrote:


Problem overview: using Xpath, HTML tags inside of XML does not render,
even with CDATA tags applied.


Does the same thing with a regular dynamic text field.  If I hard code
the same string directly in the .fla, it renders properly in the text
field and/or component. The string from XPath returns, interestingly
enough, looks like this:

   Welcome to the <a
href=''>Center for Devices of
Radiological Health</a>. More text...

Not sure why Xpath is changing the string from "</a>". to "&lt;/a&gt;",
but Flash doesn't like it obviously.  Anyone come across this before and
have a solution?

If you used the regular XML and XMLNode-classes in Flash, you'd come to the same "problem" if you tried to insert the node directly - and didn't use the nodeValue-property of the XMLNode-object.

If your XPath implementation returns XMLNode-object, just use the my_xmlnode.nodeValue-property and insert this in the textfield.

If the XPath implementation returns a string and this string is the toString-value of the XMLNode (which the above is) and *not* the nodeValue-property, then the writer of the XPath implementation should read his manual once again :)

Hope that helps. :)

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