Here's one we developed for a Golf Club manufacturer who sells highly
customized clubs directly to the public.

I think this is a good example of a business RIA because it makes the
product configuration a lot easier than an HTML version might in terms of
using the 'eFit' tools to determine best option for your measurements and
instantly recommending (and selecting) the appropriate product options.


On 1/17/06, matt stuehler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> All,
> I'm trying to convince a potential client that Flash is the way to go
> for a B2B RIA for a project it's working on, and I'd like to develop a
> showcase of a RIAs developed in Flash.
> I'm sure there are hundreds of great examples, but most of them are
> not public. The few available through Macromedia are OK, but not
> great.
> The ideal apps would meet two main criteria:
> - It should include functionality that's not reproduceable with
> dhtml/ajax (e.g., custom controls or interactivity)
> - It should be a real substantive "business"-type application (e.g.,
> not a pseudo-app that's really just a fancy web advertisement)
> Many thanks in advance to anyone who can suggest a few great URLs.
> I'll be happy to send a list of all the URLs I receive to anyone who's
> interested - just send me your email address, and I'll forward all the
> great apps I find.
> Cheers,
> Matt Stuehler
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