i've never used tweenlite but i have used tweener and one of the things that blew me away was the ability to tween properties and variables rather than just clips/sprites

example from current project:

// read/write percentage value relates directly to the slider
public function get percent():Number { return slider.percent; }
public function set percent( p:Number ):void { slider.percent = p; }

 public function arrowPressed( e:MouseEvent ):void
        var dir:int = (e.target.name == "left_arrow") ? -1 : 1;
        var total:Number = slider.percent + (dir * scrollSpeed);
Tweener.addTween(slider,{percent:total, time: .5, transition:"easeInOutQuad"}); // Tweens set() method

you may be able to do this with tweenlite, i don't know

On 25 Mar 2008, at 23:46, Jack Doyle wrote:

First let me say that Tweener is fantastic, and a lot of people rely on it for good reason. If quantity of features is your top priority, you should
seriously consider using Tweener.

Let me briefly address a few of the TweenLite-related concerns folks have

TweenLite's speed advantage isn't only a factor when you're doing hundreds
of simultaneous tweens - it can be important even with a single tween.
Imagine a button that initiates a tween when you rollover it, and the user rolls their mouse on/off/on/off quickly. Even a slight pause can degrade the
experience. Speed is also critical for mobile devices that have slower
processors, less memory, etc.

File size can be a huge factor in certain scenarios, especially for banner ads. But for those who don't deal with strict file size requirements, it's a

Bezier tweens - Coming soon (well, as soon as I can clear my over- filled
plate) to TweenMax which is a class that extends TweenLite, adding
"non-essential" features. That way, the base class will remain very lean & mean, but if you need the extra features and are willing to trade off some
file size and performance, TweenMax will take care of you.

Rounding numbers - Possible now with TweenLite's onUpdate feature. It does require some extra steps, though. If it gets added to the base class, every tween takes a slight performance hit because of the added conditional logic
required just to see whether or not each tween needs rounding. Calling
Math.round() on every frame is expensive in terms of performance too.

Transitions/easing - There aren't fewer transition options in TweenLite. You can use ANY function as long as it conforms to the standard ease format that
all of Adobe's and Penner's do. Elastic, Strong, Back, etc. are all

You may actually find that there are a few features that the TweenLite
family of classes (TweenLite, TweenFilterLite, and TweenMax) has that
Tweener is missing, but in general, I'd say Tweener is more feature- packed. It just comes a the price of file size and performance. That's not to say Tweener performs poorly, though - it depends on the scenario which is why
this speed test might be helpful:

So, again, this isn't a good/bad issue - they're just different tools that
you can choose from to get the job done. TweenLite wasn't built to be
everything to everyone, and I'm pretty sure Tweener wasn't built to be a super-compact engine that's perfect for banner ads. I'd encourage folks to
give 'em both a shot and see what feels best.

Tweener: http://code.google.com/p/tweener/
TweenLite: http://www.TweenLite.com


-----Original Message-----
From: Cory Petosky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 24, 2008 1:43 PM
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3

TweenLite doesn't have bezier curve support, can't store the duration
in the options object, doesn't support auto-rounding of pixels, and
has significantly fewer transition options. I think TweenLite is great
-- if I ever need to tween 1200 things at once, I'll certainly choose
it -- but these features in Tweener make it a better choice for many
of my projects.

On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 1:16 PM, Steven Sacks <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Tweener is proven to be significantly slower than TweenLite, and it's
 almost 300% larger (TweenLite is 3k vs Tweener's 8k).

 I'm not telling you what to do. You're welcome to your preference. I
prefer to write better, faster, smaller, more efficient code. Different
 strokes for different folks, I guess.  :)

 Dave Mennenoh wrote:
I prefer Tweener, and if you've ever used Fuse you'll like it's
syntax. It's also quite small - adds about 8K.

Dave -
Head Developer
Adobe Community Expert

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