Thank you Jack.. didnt know that - I'lll check out TweenLite

and as some mentioned much kudos for the earllier non biased review by the 

> To:
> Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3
> Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:38:16 -0500
> You're right, Dwayne, for a lot of non-banner work, 8k vs 3k really doesn't
> matter. It can, however, come into play in local memory as tweens are
> created. For example, if an instance of Tweener has 8k worth of code driving
> it (not that every instance would take 8k in memory - I'm just talking about
> the variables/properties/methods stored for each instance) and you create
> 300 instances, it's that much more that has to get pushed into memory and
> chewed on by the CPU verses 3k worth of code. Again, with today's
> desktop/laptop processors and Gigabytes of RAM, it's not much of an issue
> unless you're working with a LOT of tweens, but in some cases it's
> important, especially for mobile devices. Some developers prefer
> lightweight, efficient and speedy whereas some would rather trade for a
> broader feature set. I'd encourage you to compare the feature sets because
> if you need a Tweener-specific feature, your choice is a no-brainer. But
> many developers find everything they need and more in TweenLite, so they
> feel all warm & fuzzy inside when they get the size and speed benefits too.
> When you're driving around town, there ain't much difference between a
> Hummer and a Porche. They both get you from point A to B. If you're gonna do
> some off-roading, better warm up the Hummer. If you need speed and agility,
> get your racing gloves on and hop into the Porsche. :-)
> Jack
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dwayne Neckles [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: Wednesday, March 26, 2008 10:29 AM
> To: Flash Coders List
> Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3
> Guuuuys
> I'm very clear that when doing banners the is the big concern about size.. I
> was saying before that I understand that...
> I do banners everyday
> but that when it comes to BIG sites (2 megs )etc that I don't understand
> the concern .most sites on FWA are big you know thats all?
> Other than banners whats the big deal? Who cares about file sizes.. those
> sites on FWA are pretty huge..
> Put me on.. I'm just asking 
> > Date: Wed, 26 Mar 2008 11:04:30 -0400
> > Subject: RE: [Flashcoders] Tweening Engines for AS3
> > To:
> > 
> > >>I don't get the big deal either about size.. I mean I really don't...
> > >>
> > >>except for ads maybe that have a tight 30k limit( which needs 
> > >>to be upped)
> > 
> > You add 40k here for some media. 60k there for some code, you're up to
> > 100k.  If you have download requirements of 100k max in some client
> > environments (like we do in some environments), 8k makes a difference.
> > 
> > Jason Merrill
> > Bank of America  
> > GT&O and Risk L&LD Solutions Design & Development 
> > eTools & Multimedia 
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