The only thing I noticed with the upgrades is a caveat that you can't upgrade from one country's license to a different one, so if you bought a US licensed CS3, you would have to upgrade with a US licensed CS4. I don't know how that is enforced though.

I think you may have to carry your passport with your CS3 / CS4 and make this visible at all times to the plethora of CCTV cameras we have in London. We may have a slight problem streaming this feed to more than 5 users because we don't have the full FMS license, but as long as no-one else connects whilst Bruce is watching you should be safe :)

Kerry Thompson wrote:
Pedro Kostelec wrote:

Or ask a friend in the US to buy it for you and send it via post. Even more

This is a topic that I'm quite interested in. I'm American, living in Boston, 
but there is a very real chance that I may be working overseas soon.

What are the license ramifications, if any? I have licenses for multiple 
Adobe/Macromedia products--CS3, Flash 4 on, Director 6.0 (Director is now at 
11, including a couple of major dot releases).

Adobe products seem to cost more overseas, across the board. Will my American 
licenses still be valid if I'm working in, say, Berlin or London? I don't think 
the software does any geographic checks--that would be pretty tough, and 
unreliable. But ethically and legally, what are the ramifications?


Kerry Thompson

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Glen Pike
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