If your source and linked file are importing the same AS2 class, the first one imported gets put into the global class tables. Flash sees that the class from the imported link is within the same namespace and considers it already in existence. This is not so unexpected behaviour.

If you are going to have your class used throughout various linked swfs, then keep it in your main movie and exclude the class from the links swfs when compiling (using an exclude xml file).


Andrew Sinning wrote:
I'm working in AS2.

The skin-swf that I am embedding into my main movie contains symbols that are linked to classes.

Objects in my main movie make calls to some of the classes that are defined in the skin. In order to get nice code-hinting in Flash Develop and compile-checking, I import these same classes into some of the objects in my main-movie.

If I make change to the AS file for a symbol defined in the skin-swf, but ONLY recompile the main-movie and not the skin-swf, I wouldn't expect the changes made to take effect, but they do. Does this make sense to anyone?

For example: if I add a new function to a class that is linked to a symbol in the skin-swf, and I call that function from the main-movie. I would expect to have to recompile both the skin-swf and the main-movie. However, what I've found is that I only have to recompile the main-movie.

It seems that if the class is imported into the main-movie, then those instructions override the instructions compiled into the skin-swf.
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