Great points both of you. Thanks for the input. Hopefully one of these approaches works for him. I know I learned something.



Sent from losPhone

On Jul 30, 2009, at 8:51 PM, "Barry Hannah" <> wrote:

Fwiw, you can set Actionscript cue points that trigger when your flv reaches a frame. That wouldn't increase flv file size. This works irrespective of keyframes in the video file. However it has less accuracy (+/- 500ms apparently) than a metadata cue point and associated keyframe.

var cue1:Object = new Object();
cue.time = 8.5; // seconds = "THIS_IS_MY_CUE_POINT";
cue.type = CuePointType.ACTIONSCRIPT;
myFlvPlaybackInstance.addEventListener(MetadataEvent.CUE_POINT, handleCuePoint);


-----Original Message-----
From: [ ] On Behalf Of Peter B
Sent: Friday, 31 July 2009 1:29 p.m.
To: Flash Coders List
Subject: Re: [Flashcoders] Seek bar not working with FLVPlayback Component?

You can't. Setting cue points for time based navigation inserts a key
frame. You can only seek to key frames. It's all covered in that
article, specifically:

"Specify the type of cue point you want to embed. You can embed either
a navigation or event cue point.

* Event cue points are used to trigger ActionScript methods when the
cue point is reached, and let you synchronize the video playback to
other events within the Flash presentation.

* Navigation cue points are used for navigation and seeking, and to
trigger ActionScript methods when the cue point is reached. Embedding
a navigation cue point inserts a keyframe at that point in the video
clip to enable viewers to seek to that point in the video.

Note: Adding additional keyframes can lower the overall quality of a
video clip. For this reason, navigation cue points should only be used
when users will need to seek to a particular point within the video."
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