
Here's my approach.  Set the registration of the sprites (buildings)
to the bottom center and then use the following to determine the

var rotation = (180 - angle);

Hope this helps.


On Mon, Nov 9, 2009 at 10:41 AM, W.R. de Boer <w...@innerfuse.biz> wrote:
> Hello,
> I am currently working on a little flash project where I would like to place 
> the sprites or elements on the line or circumference of a circle. Now I know 
> how I can get x,y-position of each sprite using the cosinus and sinus 
> functions together with the radius and angle. Only the problem I am currently 
> experiencing is the putting the sprites nicely on the line of the circle. 
> It's some rotation related thing but I don't get it.
> The basic idea is to have an earth and then all kind of items such as 
> buildings to be positioned on the line/circumference of the circle and then 
> follow the form of the circle. I only don't get it.
> I know I can get the x,y position for these (building) sprites the following 
> way:
> var radius: Number = 50;
> var angle: Number = 60;
> var x: Number = Math.sin(Math.PI/180 * angle) * radius;
> var y: Number = Math.cos(Math.PI/180 * angle) * radius;
> Now I only have the problem to nicely rotate the sprite in such manner is 
> basically following the form of the circle.     I have made a drawing of how 
> the sprites and/or buildings (every rectangle is a sprite) should be placed 
> on the circle [1] but I don't know how i get that nice rotation calculated.
> Anyone having any idea how to do this? Too bad, they didn't discuss this 
> during math class :(
> [1] http://i35.tinypic.com/2a7daop.jpg
> Weyert
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