After a bike ride down hill to the supermarket and cooking I just tried out all your suggestions and I have to say it appears to work! Really nice, only the problem I am currently happening is the issue when I am creating sprites dynamically during runtime the origin is not in the bottom center but in the top left which goofs up everything. And when I try to do:

        x = -( b.width / 2 );
        y = -( b.height );

Before I am updating the positions as calculated the trigonometry formulas. I am quite sure I am overseeing something, though. Not sure what is wrong even when I do this after the setting x,y to the values of nx, ny it still fails for me.

The current code I am using is as follows:

Anyone know what I could be doing wrong? Thanks again, you guys are lifesavers :)

(really need to get a book about mathematics again to fresh up)

Weyert de Boer
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