where is the call to init(); in your Main constuctor?  i can't see it.

Hope that helps, and if I am wrong don't shoot me.

beno - wrote:
To all of you:
You guys are a good bunch! I appreciate your help. Coding for me has always
been difficult, but I have many years working with python, and in that time
I've come to appreciate that coding __is__the shortcut. That is, the most
direct trajectory between two points is a straight line. This is why my gut
tells me to largely bypass the timeline and learn how to do this the *hard*
way...with code. I will never write games (to the best of my knowledge). I
will, however, make some pretty amazing Web sites. My background is
marketing. I have some pretty big and important clients here in the Virgin
Islands--including one of the biggest jewelers on Main St in St. Thomas--and
will have more (I just moved back here). They won't be interested in
*games*, but they will have needs that will go well beyond the timeline, I'm
sure. My highest and best use isn't hacking code, it's sales and marketing;
however, while I'm broke I currently have no choice, and frankly I've
discovered that the more I know about coding, the better I am at directing
my offshore crew once I get back up to that level...and that is where I am

With respect to the advice to follow the instruction here:
I have chosen not to, because of the counter-advice to not use ENTER_FRAME.

In the meantime, here's a stripped-down what I've got right now:

 import flash.events.Event;
 import flash.events.MouseEvent;
 import flash.display.MovieClip;
 import com.greensock.*;
 import com.greensock.plugins.*;
 import com.greensock.easing.*;
 public class Main extends MovieClip
  public var mcHandInstance2:mcHand;
  public function Main():void
  public function init():void {
// This code works as well (or not) in Main
    var mcHandInstance2:mcHand = new mcHand();
    mcHandInstance2.addFrameScript(20, myLeftHand)
// The following two lines work as well (or not)
//  private function myLeftHand():void
  private function myLeftHand(e:Event=null):void
    var mcHandInstance2:mcHand = new mcHand();
    mcHandInstance2.x = 800;
    mcHandInstance2.y = 200;
//    if (e.target.currentFrame == 40) TweenMax.to(mcHandInstance2, 2,
{x:200, startAt:{totalProgress:1}}).reverse();

Now, this doesn't throw any errors; however, it doesn't print the mc to
screen, either. Please advise.
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