In addition to my last post, I would like to state that you shouldn't timeline; it has its place. The flash IDE is great for making things pretty, and doing really quick experiments; as well, it forces you to work off of memory for some things that would normally just be presented to you in other IDEs. No doubt about it, flashdevelop is my favorite ide, and it is free too; yet, Flash is indispensable if you want to make great looking websites, like you have stated, on any kind of decent timeline.

A couple of other things to note about your code...

Where is you mcHand class coming from? Why haven't you imported it? even if it is in the same folder ait's kind of lazy and hard to understand when you exclude it from the import statements; however, since it is done automatically, than it is a style thing I guess.

You have already imported com.greensock.* which imports everything, so unless there is something weird going on, you can take out the other greensock import statements.

(OT why oh why they put the com in front is beyond me, as no matter what you will still have the same amount of folders if you do it the other way? and I especially think it is stupid, because a lot of communications classes are called "com" and not just "net". )

Take care,

Anthony Pace wrote:
where is the call to init(); in your Main constuctor?  i can't see it.

Hope that helps, and if I am wrong don't shoot me.

beno - wrote:
To all of you:
You guys are a good bunch! I appreciate your help. Coding for me has always been difficult, but I have many years working with python, and in that time I've come to appreciate that coding __is__the shortcut. That is, the most direct trajectory between two points is a straight line. This is why my gut tells me to largely bypass the timeline and learn how to do this the *hard* way...with code. I will never write games (to the best of my knowledge). I
will, however, make some pretty amazing Web sites. My background is
marketing. I have some pretty big and important clients here in the Virgin Islands--including one of the biggest jewelers on Main St in St. Thomas--and
will have more (I just moved back here). They won't be interested in
*games*, but they will have needs that will go well beyond the timeline, I'm sure. My highest and best use isn't hacking code, it's sales and marketing;
however, while I'm broke I currently have no choice, and frankly I've
discovered that the more I know about coding, the better I am at directing my offshore crew once I get back up to that level...and that is where I am

With respect to the advice to follow the instruction here:
I have chosen not to, because of the counter-advice to not use ENTER_FRAME.

In the meantime, here's a stripped-down what I've got right now:

 import flash.display.MovieClip;
 import com.greensock.*;
 import com.greensock.plugins.*;
 import com.greensock.easing.*;
 public class Main extends MovieClip
  public var mcHandInstance2:mcHand;
  public function Main():void
  public function init():void {
// This code works as well (or not) in Main
    var mcHandInstance2:mcHand = new mcHand();
    mcHandInstance2.addFrameScript(20, myLeftHand)
// The following two lines work as well (or not)
//  private function myLeftHand():void
  private function myLeftHand(e:Event=null):void
    var mcHandInstance2:mcHand = new mcHand();
    mcHandInstance2.x = 800;
    mcHandInstance2.y = 200;
//    if ( == 40), 2,
{x:200, startAt:{totalProgress:1}}).reverse();

Now, this doesn't throw any errors; however, it doesn't print the mc to
screen, either. Please advise.
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