On Mon, Apr 12, 2010 at 5:24 PM, Jon Bradley <shiftedpix...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Although all of us would love to develop iPhone and iPad applications using
> the Flash platform, frankly that is not a proper methodology for developing
> for these systems, in my opinion.

That depends on what it is that you want to develop. 3D racing game?
By all means, use your C variant of choice and OpenGL ES. Interactive
magazine or simple puzzle? You could do it in Flash in a fraction of
the time. That's "proper methodology." As it is, there's a huge gap
between stuff you can do cross-platform in the browser and what
actually needs the performance you get out of a native app.

I absolutely agree that if you want to write something non-trivial,
which requires a lot of processing power, for the iP* family, you
should learn Obj-C. It's really not that hard, and hopefully the
investment will pay off eventually. But there are many scenarios where
you just want to target "mobile devices," and possibly also want a Web
The way things appear to be turning out, supporting both the iPhone
and "Flash enabled devices" will significantly add to the cost in such
a scenario, not unlike the Browser Wars in the not-so-good ol' days.
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