I apologize in advance for perpetuating this thread. I just can't seem to do
the right thing and simply shut up.

Wasn't part of the promise of the SDK that it would be open? That one day
we'd be building apps in Python or C# or whatever language we wanted? When
you get right down to it, isn't Xcode using LLVM?

Yeah, this is about control, pure and simple.

Flash CS5, Unity, notepad + LLVM, whatever --  these things used to be my
choice. It is not now. Apple wants to control my development environment
from the computer to the IDE and compiler I am allowed to use. My outrage is
one of contrast: Exchange the name "Apple" with "Adobe" and this list would
be on fire.  Use "Microsoft" and we'd be calling for Balmer's head -- and
we'd probably get it.

As a developer, I guess I've grown used to a bit more respect from the
platforms I develop for. But as others have said "It's their store, you
don't have to play." <shrug>

I'd love to say I won't be building anymore apps -- I will, I've got clients
who want both iPhone and Android. But the game I started in Unity won't be
coming to iPhone, and that's probably only my loss, really. I can make peace
with that.

I will see if I can do it on Android -- maybe Unity will embrace the
platform as an alternative. Hell, I've been lusting over the Mini-5 anyway.

I'm just sad that all the promise turned into an extreme walled garden; (and
quoting Eric Meyer) Like all walled gardens, the internet will interpret the
whole thing as damage and eventually route around it.

Jer ( who will do his best to shut up now )
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