I have been thinking a lot about the problem of optimizing animation playback. I know that some people here are unfamiliar with working with real animations and have been doing applications instead. Please consider this aimed at real animations like in movies and games.

While the best solution is to simply make the animation simpler so that it is easier to render, that is far from an easy, or even possible solution.

Instead the idea is to dynamically adjust the rendering quality. But as I will explain, it is far from a simple task.

Please excuse any "too easy for me" explanations, I aim for a post that any developer can read and understand.

As most of you know the Flash player have three main rendering quality options, low, medium and high quality. There is also the option to go for best, but that is largely the same as high.

What the rendering quality control mainly controls is the subpixel rendering. When flash detects that a shape has an edge on a non integer position it will do subpixel rendering for that pixel.

The subpixel rendering is surprisingly simple, flash just scales up the area (factor 2 for medium, 4 for high) and renders the new pixels. It then takes the average value of the pixels and uses that as the value of the real pixel. Low quality skips subpixel rendering completely.

Now, this does change the rendering cost quite a lot. As such, it is the stock option for controlling rendering cost in the player.

What some people may not know is that the Flash renderer is smart enough to skip frames. What this means is that if it detects that it is too far behind it will simply skip the drawing step and move directly on to the next frame. This can happen multiple times in a row in severe cases.

This is rather easy to detect. If the drawing skip is skipped, so is the Event.RENDERED event. Just by checking if there was one between Event.ENTER_FRAME events it is possible to see if the previous frame was skipped.

Similarly you can get a good estimate of how long the frame took to draw by computing the time between the Event.RENDERED event and the Event.ENTER_FRAME event. It is not perfect since it includes the wait after the rendering, but that is not a problem in practice.

Now we define the problem. We want to draw the graphics at the highest possible quality, but without forcing Flash to skip frames. To do this we have the option of changing the current rendering quality before each frame is rendered.

In more specific situations we also have the option of changing various effects, but for easy discussion we will stick to just the rendering quality.

So the question becomes, what is the condition for changing quality?

A naïve option is to change the quality if the previous frame took too long to render.

A slightly better option is if we can pre-render each frame and get the rendering cost on a reference machine. Then we can scale the reference value to the current machine based on a known reference point, a previously rendered frame.

However, this approach has the issue of the rendering cost not scaling linearly between machines. The largest reason is that different machines might be displaying the animation at different sizes. As rendering in different sizes can change cost geometrically this makes it hard to scale properly.

A different idea that I have been thinking about is to use the frameskip amount as a deciding factor. However, I think that it may lead to similar results as the rendering time.

Furthermore complicating things is the fact that changing the rendering quality invalidates the dirty region caching that the player does. While the effect of this differs depending on the animation being suitable for the dirty region system, it is a possible cost. There is also the issue of it being jarring to the user when the quality does change.

The solution to that seems to be hysterics, that we have a threshold before changing back.

Overall, this is a complicated matter and I am requesting feedback from people with experience dealing with this issue.
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