Jason Merrill wrote:

> http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flashplatform/whitepapers/roadmap.html
> A new version of AS3 will be nice, it's just too bad no one wants Flash
> anymore. Flash player is basically dead in the water, with its future usage
> being hardcore gaming. How many of you guys/gals are doing that?

I do a lot of games, and intend to continue to use Flash (actually
FlashBuilder) for a few more years. There is still a ton of work out
there, and there will be a continuing demand for maintenance as fewer
people learn Flash.

I thought their plans for AS3 looked promising. There was a committee
working on ECMA 4, but I think it got disbanded 3-4 years ago. AS3 is
still my favorite language.


Kerry Thompson
Flashcoders mailing list

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