Well from most of the numbers I've seen, IE6 has a higher use percentage than IE7 - but even the global IE6 usage share numbers represent an inflated average pulled up by users in China. In the USA IE6 usage is already not even in the single digit percentage points anymore:
http://ie6countdown.com/ (Seems to be down right now.)

For the American corporate hold outs, if you are unfortunate enough to have to deal with them, it might be worth seeing if the users can install ChromeFrame, which runs in user space, and doesn't require admin privs to install:

Things certainly aren't as bad as they once were. :-)

Kevin N.

On 2/23/12 1:01 PM, John R. Sweeney Jr. wrote:
IE 6 was introduced August 2001 and is still the predominant corporate browser, 
so when do you see old browsers dying off? Another decade?

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