You might want to have a look at this excerpt from Colin Mook's AS3 book:
It should give you a good understanding of how rendering works in Flash/Flex.

On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 7:15 PM, Ralf Bokelberg
> Afaik the Flashplayer does this for you. Nothing is rendered as long
> as you are in a script. You can try to draw a line and then do a
> simple while loop for 5 seconds. You will not see any updates of the
> screen.
> Cheers
> Ralf.
> On Mon, Sep 22, 2008 at 5:05 PM, Samuel Colak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Alex, Adobe Guys, Community, Romans.....
>> Is there a way to halt the UI Graphics Renderer so that (in a way) you
>> can achieve the ability to post UI changes (in effect double
>> buffering) before
>> the renderer performs any UI update ? An obvious although troublesome
>> way of doing this is with bitmap however the routines for drawing do not
>> appear to be common between BitmapData and DisplayObject.
>> Such like under DisplayObject
>> graphics.unlock; // disassociate graphics device from
>> renderer...
>> graphics.[do stuff here].... // misc graphics routines...
>> graphics.lock; // re-associate renderer to graphics device and
>> flush activity to renderer
>> (lock/unlock might be switched depending upon your perspective to the
>> renderer)
>> I might be jumping the gun with you guys producing some hardware
>> acceleration so if i am apologies in advance.
>> I am also aware that there is a possibility that if the re-associate
>> does not take place, then all other render activity might be lost....
>> so obviously
>> this is not something that you do on a whim. Since everything is more
>> of less sequential then im pretty sure that most programmers would not
>> forget to do this.

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