On 11/10/07, Michael Pengi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  I have read a
>  couple of times that Visual Studio might be considered 'ahead' of Flex
>  Builder.

VS is a far more polished IDE than FB2 - FB3 will close the gap a bit
but not all the way. But some interesting things are developing in
terms of delivering sample code and the framework documentation might
actually be easier to digest than MS's.

>But my #1 interest is being able to wire up sql databases to the ui
>  in the simplest manner possible, ie not a ton of code.

I'm on the front side of the same learning curve but my impression is
that the UI is way easier to code for than .net provided you code to
best practices and patterns. It looks to me like opportunity to map
the same objects on both sides of the data tier
(http://flex.sys-con.com/read/418939.htm#) could give us the best of
both worlds - the advantage of sproc-based data-managment filtered by
.net assemblies feeding the Flex's rich UI.

> Can someone point me to the best
>  example app of this type? Most demo apps I've seen are not mostly about
>  crud.

If you want to focus that narrowly on the CRUD aspect to Flex code you
probably want to dig into the code generation capabilities and
limitations coming in Flex 3 - not a great many tutes speaking to that
yet - (http://www.onflex.org/ted/2007/09/flex-3-beta-2-code-debug-profiler.php)

>  I've read about Cairngorm, but am not really sure were it fits into the flex
>  scheme.

Framework choices explored at:

>  Finally, would it be good to start with Flex 3 beta 2, or should I stick
>  with Flex 2 for now?

Flex 3 imo.


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