Ah. Thanks for clearing this up. Mine ALL had the linear regulator, and we did in fact have to remove those and replace them with the regulator on the other side of the board to mount to the heat sink. I was wondering which of us had lost their minds. WHile it wasn't that, I am clearly losing my memory! But the end analysis says, all of these changes retrofit on the originial boards.


Lyle Johnson wrote:

While not exactly an ECO (more a design change), the 5V regulator was originally a switcher and is now a linear. (not documented on the website list of ECOs)

Actually, it was *originally* a linear regulator.

Some users were concerned about the heat from the regulator in the original three board stack with no case. The switcher was found and installed by many.

SDR-1000s were briefly produced with the switcher from the factory, as I recall.

Later, some objected to the switcher RFI/noise and production SDR-1000s went back to linear regulators.

Around that time the case appeared and made heatsinking it less of a problem.


Lyle KK7P

Laziness is the number one inspiration for ingenuity.  Guilty as charged!

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