Hi Jim,
Yes, you are correct. I spoke with Eric on the landline earlier and was able to explain it more clearly to him. Sometimes  email just doesn't do it as well as a phone call! I think he understands exactly what I was looking for and may be working on a simple implementation. I can't understand why someone else hasn't needed a "mute" function before this.
-- Larry
----- Original Message -----
From: Jim Lux
Sent: Wednesday, December 14, 2005 4:16 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Mute for SDR Receiver

At 08:28 AM 12/14/2005, Larry W8ER wrote:
Eric .. I would like to eliminate all other receivers from my ham shack. The Flex is the best. Occasionally I like to fire up an old boatanchor AM transmitter or something other than the Flex transmitter. I am looking for a way to mute the Flex receiver. Killing the audio is fairly simple but in doing so the Flex hears the big local signal and upon return to receive, the AGC has to recover and so forth. A good clean mute is what I am after.
I think the confusion might be with what "mute" means, because I think most folks thought it meant shutting off the AF output, but what you mean is an "RF" mute, or at least one that freezes the AGC.


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