On Sat, Jun 20, 2009 at 11:17 AM, Ray Andrews, K9DUR<k9...@rnacs.com> wrote:
> Gary,
> Do NOT confuse the "Line In" and "Line Out" pins on the FlexWire connector
> with any type of audio signals.  ...
> Bottom line:  The FlexWire connector does NOT provide access to any analog
> audio signals, either TX audio or RX audio.

I could be wrong but I certainly read it differently. For example, in
the _Flex-5000 Owner's Manual_ the table listing the pinout for the
FlexWire cable has this to say about pin 9:

"Line Out (in parallel with RCA Line Out)"

That implies to me that the Line Out signal, pin 9, on the Flex Wire
connector is indeed the same signal as the Line Out RCA jack. I am
going to take a big leap here and suggest that I therefore believe
that the Line In signal, pin 2, is the analog Line In signal.

But I do agree that one needs to be careful of what one does with the
Flexwire connector. There are a number of other signals that one
should avoid. Certainly pin 6 and 7 cary the multi-drop I2C digital
signal that is not compatible with anything RS232 or analog.

73 de Brian, WB6RQN/J79BPL

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