John Wojnaroski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> >
> > Certainly not, when it's gross weight is 800k lbs.  :)
> >
> > The weight you quote is close to the zero-fuel weight, which is
> > typical for landing.  By default, YASim will top your tanks off at
> > startup.  The plane in this condition will indeed have a very high
> > approach speed.  Try setting the /sim/fuel-fraction property to
> > something like 0.2 for a reasonable approach configuration.
> >
> DUH!! (sound of slapping)  I knew that!  ;-)

IIRC the 747-400 comes down pretty fast anyway.  I think you're looking at 195
KIAS range for final dropping down to 175 KIAS (with full flaps) at the outer
marker.  But note again, this is from memory.  Still, there is no way that pig
flies at 150.

The biggest problem I saw with that model was the issue it had with climbing
(ran out of climb speed at too low an alititude).  IIRC it should climb at
least 500fpm even above 30,000.  Has that problem been addressed?



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