Alex Perry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> As far as I'm concerned, the outside view is purely for entertainment
> since there is nothing realistic about hanging a couple dozen feet behind
> the aircraft in the open air, operating the controls remotely.

Hmmm "purely" is one of those tricky words.  There's nothing realistic about
sitting at a pc flying a plane either. And besides, lots pilots out there take
lessons and fly real planes for entertainment :-)

Also, I think the external view provides a good substitute for the realworld
vision and feel that are critical to the last few seconds of flight.  It
compensates for something else that can't easily be modeled on the typical
dekstop.  I tend to like it for the takeoffs as well.  There are lots of
things found in flight sim programs or "games" (like my mini panel) that cover
for some shortfall in what can be rendered 3D on a single screen pc.

That said, I'm not sure that animating models serves a purpose like that...but
like you said it could be useful in certain applications.  For me, learning
about 3D modeling is enormously entertaining and interesting. And besides
it'll probably attract some new interest in the project.

> In addition to prop pitch: When we put a 3D human inside the cockpit,
> please have the head articulate to match the view direction.
> Also, plan ahead to connect the navigation, landing, taxi, anticollision,
> strobe, cockpit, panel, nightglow (I've probably missed some) light
> switches on the cockpit panel to associated features in the model.

> Finally, is now a good time to mention the operating system specific
> pilot 3D model, with the passenger seats (to the extent available)
> filled with the 3D models of our other supported operating systems ?
> All it needs is for the model to have hooks indicating seat positions,
> and a model directory in the base with one model per operating system.

Err umm...Huh?



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