> might change my mind over the next few weeks.  Ground school starts in
> late April, so I have some time to decide.

David, you owe it to yourself to give it another chance.  I've only got
4.4 hours as a student in a C152, so I'm not a pilot (yet).

The C172 is going to give you a completely different experience than the
C150.  The biggest factor is the mass of the C172.  It's not going to get
bounced around by moving air as much as the C150.  *Every* time I've taken
off from Auburn Muni (S50) I've had horrid turbulence problems due to the
terrain beyond the north and south ends of the runway.  Imagine barreling
down the road in a ancient pick-up truck.  You're doing 90 miles an hour,
the shocks have been welded into place so they won't move and you're
hitting a 2 foot deep pothole every 5 feet.  It always left me gripping
the yoke in terror until we got above it.  I'm practically convinced that
it's possible to leave finger marks in those hard plastic yokes. :)

The thing is, that even though the take-offs left me nearly exhausted, it
got easier with every one.  Unfortunately, cash ran low just as I started
practicing slow flight, so I never got to fully conquer my
take-off-turbulence anxiety.

Give it another chance or four.  You'll begin to enjoy it.  If you've got
vertigo or motion sickness problems, a Drammamine tab probably wouldn't
hurt before you take off.


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