On Sun, 22 Sep 2002 07:53:34 -0400
David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For a while now, FlightGear has had support for adding static scenery
> objects (like buildings) to *.stg scenery files using the syntax
>   OBJECT_STATIC <file> <lon> <lat> <elevation-m> <heading>
> The file is always loaded relative to the current scenery directory
> (such as /usr/local/scenery/w080n40/w077n45), which is great for
> one-off objects like the Golden Gate Bridge or the Empire State
> Building, but not so useful for objects like radio towers, barns,
> etc. that can be used over and over.
> I have just added a new directive, OBJECT_SHARED, that works exactly
> like the above except that it loads the object relative to $FG_ROOT
> rather than the current scenery directory.  For example, I have my
> $FG_ROOT at /usr/local/FlightGear/ and my $FG_SCENERY at
> /usr/local/Scenery.  If I add this line to w080n40/w077n45/1696211.stg
>   OBJECT_STATIC red-barn.ac -76.022499 45.319500 200 0
> FlightGear will attempt to load
>   /usr/local/Scenery/w080n40/w077n45/red-barn.ac
> On the other hand, if I have
>   OBJECT_SHARED Models/Buildings/red-barn.ac -76.022499 45.319500 200 0
> FlightGear will attempt to load
>   /usr/local/FlightGear/Models/Buildings/red-barn.ac

Excellent!  Hopefully this will work for texture files referenced by the object.  FWIW 
I'm working on importing XPlane custom objects and many of them share textures.  I 
already have the SFO terminal and Golden Gate bridge loading.

> The big challenge right now is figuring out what tile to add an object
> to -- I will try to whip up a Perl script to help with this.  Once
> that's working, we can automatically add all NDB towers and VOR
> transmitters from our current data and populate the world a little
> more; one user has a copy of the FAA obstacle database, and that would
> allow us even more detail in the U.S.

The following c++ program prints the tile name given a lat/lon.

[bbright@proton FlightGear-0.7]$ cat latlon.cxx 
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <simgear/bucket/newbucket.hxx>

using std::cout;

main( int argc, char* argv[] )
    if (argc != 3)
        cout << "Usage: " << argv[0] << " <lat> <lon>\n";
        return 1;

    double dlat = atof( argv[1] );
    double dlon = atof( argv[2] );

    SGBucket b( dlon, dlat );

    cout << b.gen_base_path() << "/" << b.gen_index_str() << "\n";

    return 0;

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