Norman Vine wrote:
> I submit that your patch is an additional mode and should be presented
> as such rather then BREAKING existing behaviour as IMHO is all to
> often what happens when someone decides to get involved with a piece
> of the code.

Oh dear, not again.  For the record (and I really tried to make this
clear): I'm not refusing to support a 2D "HUD".  I was asking what,
exactly, your requirements are so that they can be supported in a sane
and maintainable way.  Trying to use HUD code to draw into screen
space is a square peg in a round hole and needs to be fixed, not
hidden with a preference where it will get forgotten as a booby trap
for future developers.

Now, what broke?  You still haven't answered what it is you want, and
why it needs to be part of the HUD.  Seriously, name your requirement
and we can try to meet it.  Refuse to allow changes in functionality
and all you'll do is halt development.

For reference, see this fantastic diatribe by Havok Pennington on the
dangers of accommodating every imaginable UI preference.  It was
written in the context of the Gnome 2 "no crackrock" policy.

Just because your requirements are met by existing code doesn't make
that code the *only* way of meeting your requirements.  Be reasonable
and flexible and you'll get what you want, I promise.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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