On Mon, Nov 04, 2002 at 09:24:43AM -0800, Andy Ross wrote:
> Cool, someone's playing with the 747.  This model hasn't had a lot of
> tweaking yet beyond the engine thrust bugs that Jim Wilson dealt with
> a few months back.

Hey, the 747 is the queen of the sky :-)

>  > Does it model the thrust reversers ?
>  > What about Speedbrakes/Spoilers ?
> No, no, yes.  The spoilers control is mapped to the /controls/spoilers
> property, which doesn't have a default input binding.  I have it wired
> to one of the thumbwheels on my Saitek throttle.

ok, thats cool. I'll just add a key mapping for the spoilers.
I didn't even think of snooping around to see wether there is
any 'functionality' that I could use and map it to a key.

> Thrust reversers and speedbrakes wouldn't be hard to support, I've
> just been lazy.  The Boeing obviously doesn't have a speedbrake, but
> the A-4 and Harrier should.  There are still some (much harder) issues
> with drag scaling that I'd like to get fixed first.  None of the
> planes need a brake right now, since they all sit way behind the power
> curve during approach and dump speed really fast.

BTW: What is the difference between Speedbrakes and Spoilers?
Some stuff i was reading about the 747 made it seem to me that
the speedbrake lever in the cockpit controls the spoiler surfaces.
... Actually .... on the cockpit photos I found on the web (eg
www.airliners.net) there is a lever that is labeled 'speed brake'.
Its the one right next to the #1 Throttle, on the pilots side.

>  > Bouncing:
> Part of this is due to a blindingly stupid bug with ground effect that
> I discovered this weekend.  It should interpolate the effect from zero

Is there a way I could apply this to 0.8.0 which I currently have?

> Another factor is the lack of automatic wing spoiler deployment, which
> helps a lot to keep the airplane from getting airborne again after a
> hard landing.  This would require just a tiny amount of C++ code right
> now: watch the /gear[n]/wow properties and set the /controls/spoilers
> to 1.0 when they transition from false to true.  This would be a great
> application for interactive scripting from the aircraft definition; a
> feature that has been long talked about but not yet moved on.

I played around with the telnet interface and also with fgfsscript.pl
I tried to use fgfsscript.pl to get the radio altimeter announcements
during approach... but its hard to make this work right, since the
polling nature of fgfsscript.pl and since the feet values change rather
quickly. So I must allow for a certain 'window' of feet values around
those I want announced. Tuning this just right is a lot of work.

> And finally, I agree.  The default gear damping is a little too light.
> YASim computes a default damping coefficient automatically, based on
> the weight of the plane and the placement of the gear.  But it's not
> going to work perfectly for all aircraft.  There needs to be a
> per-gear tunable for spring and damping coefficients, but there isn't
> yet.  This is like the reversers/speedbrakes issue -- something
> unimplemented only due to my laziness.

Well, laziness is actually a good character 'flaw' for programmers. :-)
Thats the same with me ;-)

... But, back on the topic... so ... when are you gonna implement these 
'due to laziness' features <Grin> ;-) 

> Well, pumping the brakes during the takeoff is hardly standard
> procedure; I'm not sure what the real aircraft would do. :) The

Well, I was trying to 'emulate' the parking brakes by keeping 'b'
pressed, advancing the throttle and wait a little for the thrust to

> joystick trigger is mapped to the wheel brakes, by the way.  You can

Yeah, I know, but I don't use a joystick to fly. Mouse and keyboard work 
well (actually: better) for me. I like the mouse yoke. And esp. the
mapping of the elev. trim to the mousewheel :-)

> The wheel bounce issue is real, though.  In my copy, I got better
> results by changing the compression distance of the nose wheel strut
> from 2m to 1m in the Aircraft-yasim/747.xml file.  This has the effect

I'm gonna try this. thanks.

>  >(BTW: the parking brake doesn't seem to work w/ the 747)
> Uh, true.  This is trivial to fix, just add a mapping from the parking
> brake property in the 747.xml file.  Everywhere you see:

I should have thought about this ... that was an easy one :-)

> I suppose I could wire up an "eye candy" starter, which spooled the
> engine up and down from zero while diddling the temperature and fuel
> flow variables in a vaguely plausible way.  But features like
> realistic engine start aren't possible for this code; they'll need to
> wait for someone with the patience and dedication to model one
> specific engine (and electrical system, and APU, and...). :)

>From what I read on the list, Curt started adding support for electrical
systems, and people talked also about pneumatic and hydraulic systems...
This will hopefully provide a more 'realistic' way of starting
procedures in the future.

But a fake eye candy starter would be nice to begin with.
It is mostly for audio reasons that I'd like the possibility to
turn on/off the engines. Spoolup/down sounds, turning off the
engines also turns of engine sounds...

Thanks Andy,
that was helpful


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