"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> and *far* more accurately than doing it all by hand.

Actually sometimes even with ac3d available I still need to, rarely, go into
an editor to tweak something!  But yes, a tool is the way to go.

> 3d modeling is a lot more complex than word processing.

It's really not all that complex.  Just as with word processing, it takes a
while to get really good at it and it isn't all that hard to do something
simple.  Word processing is familiar because it has been around so long and is
so commonly used.

> > Having said that, it is probably my issue that I don't really _want_
> > to learn a 3d modeling tool.
> And I'm here to say that you do want to learn a 3d modeling tool. :-)

Agreed.  It is really a lot of fun.  Everyone IMHO should learn to use one. 
The great thing about it is if you have a couple minutes here or there you can
load up the model and make a few adjustments or ad some little detail.  Then
sit back and admire your creation.  It provides instant gratification.
> It's perhaps a little like broccoli ... no you don't want to eat it
> and it smells bad, but it's good for you, and after you force yourself
> a couple times, you might even start to like it just a bit, and after
> you get in the habbit of eating healthy, you might someday even start
> to crave it ... :-)

Disagree.  It is nothing like broccoli. ;-)  At first it might seem daunting,
but if you ignore the "apparent complexity" and try it out it'll happen.  I
would suggest Blender (do the tutorials) because it is free and powerful and
is likely where the future is.  I'm using AC3D, but it costs money, and it
lacks a few handy features and as I keep saying, one of these days I'll
probably switch.



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