Jon Stockill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> We appear to have got a mention in Alan Cox's diary.
> Unfortunately he's taken to writing the last batch of entries in Welsh -
> obviously the lessons are going well...
> if anyone has the ability to translate.

InterTran results:
Too much he espouse. He is being THREE ' heartburn espouse when dw I '
heartburn play 'Flightgear' I go he is being two he one has ' heartburn
espouse before the tw. He is being anyone ' heartburn blemish serious except
we were we police force and ambulance I go machine fire. I looked I ' group
game Scotland and Ireland. He is being game ' heartburn hand sail. He will be
Ireland ' heartburn win receiving England? l appraise hard! He is being Telsa
' heartburn reach by Bristol. There is not anything train go by Bristol
crookedly Swansea about Sunday now! He was she ' heartburn has tired I go
anything happy.

Maybe we don't want to know :-)  Please pass the rollaids.



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