Besides the urls I posted earlier in this thread, there's this page:

and this whole site here is very good as well. probably better actually ;)

I've gotten pretty good at the basics.. but there's still a lot more I don't 
know than I do know about Blender.

At the moment I'm trying to get the manifolds? of the cassutt racer put on the 
3d model.. but, I can't seem to make them look right at all .. period! lol
(they stick out the front sides of the fusilage for the engine)
As soon as those are done I'll put the model up for public bashing ;)

William B McRaven

On Monday 28 July 2003 15:12, Matthew Law wrote:
> > Agreed - Initial attempts at using it left me wondering what sort of
> > substances the people who designed the UI were abusing, but once you get
> > the hang of it it's rather productive.
> >
> > I'm just trying to get my head around the UV editor now.
> Can you guys recommend any tutorial resources for the likes of myself who
> have a little 3DS Max experience but are still cluless when it comes to
> Blender?
> Anyone feel like doing a FGFS-only aircraft modelling with blender tutorial
> by any chance?
> Cheers,
> Matt.
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