Erik Hofman writes:

 > David, congratulations on your IFR approval!  Now, be careful out
 > there (that's what the exam is all about anyhow) but I hate to
 > loose you as a developer.


Fortunately, since I did my whole flight test in hard-core IMC, the
examiner was actually able to see how I handle the plane in real IFR
conditions, including an ILS to a 400-ft ceiling and a wet runway,
rather than just watching me fly around on a sunny day with a
Sneak-a-Peek hood on.

I flew my family on a medium-length trip yesterday and today, and we
hit quite a fair bit of actual IMC with some moderate turbulence
("moderate" means "quite a lot" on the turbulence scale -- what most
airliner passengers would call heavy turbulence is usually only
"light"); still, I didn't have any trouble holding altitude and
heading to flight-test standards even while chatting with my family.

My challenge now is to stay current -- from everything I've heard,
these skills atrophy at an alarming rate, and now that I'm not flying
two IFR lessons every week, the burden is on me to make time to get up
there on overcast days and practice.  When we broke out at 4000 ft on
our initial climb out from Ottawa, and the windows were suddenly
filled with sunlight and glorious white cloudtops, everyone in the
plane gasped -- it kind-of makes all the work for the rating

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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