Paul Surgeon writes:
> On Thursday, 13 November 2003 00:36, Norman Vine wrote:
> > One way todo this is to always use the same size texture so as to
> > be able to use glTexSubImage2D() to control the level of detail and
> > mipmaping ourselves.
> > Easiest todo this if the scenery is laid out so when you go to
> > a lower level texture it covers 4 times the area and visa versa
> I object!  :)
> That works great for textures that are tilable/repeatable but what about 
> aerial/satelite photos? You don't want to stretch an aerial photo at all let 
> alone over 4 times the area.
> Aerial photos can be mipmapped and loaded into video memory without a high res 
> level but it's texture co-ords must still be tied to the same geographic 
> co-ords, otherwise my 10 meter long "hanger" suddenly becomes 40 meters long 
> and shifts a couple of kms from where it's meant to be.

No problem the LOD image that you load is a composite of the subsampled
mosaic of the 4 higher res images..   The hanger keeps getting half as large
tied to the same spot until it disapears.



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