On Saturday, 13 December 2003 23:53, Jonathan Richards wrote:
> Here's the deep link :¬) hope O'Reilly don't mind...
> http://linux.oreillynet.com/pub/a/linux/2003/12/11/flightgear.html
> Jonathan

Quote :
"CO: From my perspective, a big area in need of attention is to have people 
build aircraft models including the flight dynamics, the 3D model of the 
aircraft, the instrument panel, the sounds, animations, etc. The 
infrastructure is all there to do this, but what we need is to crank up the 
assembly line and start producing some end-to-end complete aircraft models of 
fine quality."

Question :
How well does FlightGear handle aircraft sounds at the moment?
Can I mix any number of sounds together based on the value of a property?
Like mixing sounds based on engine RPM, prop pitch, etc

How about extra instrument panels?
How does FG handle overhead and side panels?
I've never seen one in FG yet but I liked the way Fly did the scrolling.

How about hydraulic, pneumatic and electrical systems?

If I wanted to add an aircraft to FG would I be able to model everything 
properly without having to do tamper with the FG source code?
I'm not a very competent programmer and the thought of messing around with 
other people's pet project makes me feel a bit uncomfortable.  :)


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