Melchior FRANZ wrote
> As I reported a few weeks ago, the Hunter causes some ugly 
> artifacts: . The grey 
> spots aren't at fixed places, they continuously go on and off 
> at other places. Looks like wathing TV with a badly adjusted 
> antenna. First I thought that it would be caused by the high 
> number of polys, but now I have a better explanation: The ac 
> file is full of UV definitions like this:
>   SURF 0x10
>   mat 1
>   refs 5
>   58 0.0479177 0.425778
>   57 0.0479177 0.425778
>   59 0.0479177 0.425778
>   56 0.0479177 0.425778
>   95 0.0479177 0.425778
> That is, a face is described with several identical vertices. 
> Or, in other words, it isn't really a face at all! At least 
> my nvidia[1] driver seems to be quite confused by that. In 
> the above screenshot you see, that the fuselage is rendered 
> correctly, and indeed, the use of UV coordinates is correct 
> for that in the *.ac file.
> Could somebody please fix this? (Vivian? :-)  (I can't at the 
> moment, because the ac2d scripts have a bug that prevents me 
> from importing/ exporting the hunter. The conversion somehow 
> loses objects and fgfs crashes with the resulting model. I 
> noticed Willian already.)

I'll look into it right away. At first glance it looks like file corruption.
I've been doing a major clean-up on the Hunter model, so I may have fixed it

BTW - I use a Nvidia card, and I haven't seen the effect you describe. Do
you have a problem with importing exporting the AC3D scripts into AC3d? They
seem to import OK into AC3d here. 


Vivian Meazza

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