Andy Ross wrote:

Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:

Is there any way to play sounds from a Nasal script?

Sort of. The current sound model is property-driven. You can create a new sound event (see the *-sound.xml files under Aircraft for examples) and drive it from a given set of properties. You can then set those properties from Nasal.

There is, however, no way to load a *new* sound from Nasal. It has to
be seen by the sound manager at startup to be played at runtime. I'm
not completely sure what such an interface would look like, but it
shouldn't be hard to do. What are your requirements?

Andy, one thing that would be useful would be a globals->get_commands()->addCommand() type function that would load and play an arbitrary sound file. I don't know if there is a nasal interface to these commands but if not, that would be a useful thing. These commands can be run via the "telnet" interface from external scripts.



Curtis Olson HumanFIRST Program
FlightGear Project
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