On Monday 19 April 2004 23:15, Vivian Meazza wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote
> > Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > > The "takeoff" values. Are these the power absorbed by the
> >
> > propeller at
> >
> > > propeller rpm, or the engine output at engine rpm, super- or
> > > un-supercharged?
> >
> > Un-supercharged.  And the equations are solved such that both
> > power values are the same.  Basically, don't sweat this one;
> > it affects performance only at the very start of the takeoff
> > roll.  Leave it out until you get things working, and then
> > start fiddling with it to get the initial RPM right.
> >
> > > Finally, I've had some difficulty understanding the concept
> >
> > of using
> >
> > > absolute pressure for the Boost Control Valve (BCV). In the
> >
> > real world
> >
> > > a BCV comprises [...] and is thus corrected for altitude.
> >
> > Actually, everything I've read indicates that wastegate
> > designs are calibrated to absolute pressure, not relative
> > pressure (which makes sense, obviously, because what you are
> > trying to regulate is the force on the engine parts, not the
> > overpressure in the manifold which is a non-critical structural part).
> >
> > Measuring absolute pressure is mechanically more difficult
> > but not impossible.  It doesn't have to be as simple as a
> > single spring valve.
> >
> > > I suppose that we should update the documentation to reflect these
> > > misinterpretations.
> >
> > Roger.  See if what's there now makes more sense.
> >
> > Andy
> I think I might be getting somewhere.
> First I started with these values:
>               eng-power="1140" eng-rpm="2850"
>               turbo-mul="4" wastegate-mp="48"
>               cruise-alt="17500" cruise-power="1140"
>               cruise-speed="308" cruise-rpm="2850"
>               takeoff-power="900" takeoff-rpm="2500"
>               manual-pitch="true"
>               gear-ratio = "0.477"
> AS before, YASim converges nicely
> However, eng-power should be the un-supercharged max power, so I reduced
> eng-power value, while holding all others constant. YASim only converged
> with a eng-power >= 1130. This cannot be the un-supercharged max power?
> I then set eng-pwr to 1140, and tried reducing turbo-mul. YASim only
> converged with turbo-mul >=3.5
> I next set turbo-mul to 4, and tried reducing cruise-rpm. YASim only
> converged with cruise-rpm > 2820. I then tried increasing cruise-rpm. YASim
> only converges with cruise-rpm < 6799. Is it possible that "reduction
> gearing" reduces engine revs for a given propeller rpm? I thought it was
> the other way around. So assuming this to be the case, I set cruise-rpm to
> 5975, and repeated the above sequence. YASim converges when:
>               eng-power >=575
>               turbo-mul >=0.0001
> In each case the other value is set with the initial value as above. Now,
> assuming a turbo-mul value of 2 as a reasonable guess, and 750 HP as the
> un-supercharged output, we get this:
>               eng-power="750" eng-rpm="2850"
>               turbo-mul="2" wastegate-mp="48"
>               cruise-alt="17500" cruise-power="1140"
>               cruise-speed="308" cruise-rpm="5975"
>               takeoff-power="725" takeoff-rpm="5000"
>               manual-pitch="true"
>               gear-ratio = "0.477"
> YASim converges nicely. Problem solved?
> Regards
> Vivian Meazza

As I understand it, everything apart from the 'eng-' prefix values relate to 
the props...

However, I've noticed the same sort of things when trying to get the Comper 
Swift working properly - this has a similarly geared 0.47 eng/prop ratio.

I've been able to get close to the correct performance with the Pobjoy R in 
the Swift by using some 0.47*proper numbers in the definition but that has in 
turn adversely effected the mixture and fuel consumption figures, by approx 


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