ima.sudonim wrote:
> Axis 0: Ailerons (-0.5 to +0.4)
> Axis 1: Elevator (-0.5 to +0.5)
> Axis 2: Throttle (-1 to +0.0)

These three all indicate what appears to be a calibration error.

Calibration error? Is this a problem internal to the joystick? In the way plib or fg processes the joystick info?

By convention, all axes have always reported between -1 and 1.

OK, so calibration error means that the axis range is not between -1 and 1, if I am understanding correctly.

And that's why I thought that offset +0.5, factor +2.0 should work for the throttle
And that offset +0.0, factor +2.0 should work for Ailerons and Elevator, but it doesn't seem to work that way. It makes no change to how flightgear seems to be using the joystick.

Here's the new axes values from the xml file (the comments contain what fgjs suggested):
<axis n="0">
<dead-band type="double">0.02</dead-band>
<offset type="double">+0.0</offset> <!-- 0.0 -->
<factor type="double">+2.0</factor> <!-- 1.0 -->

 <axis n="1">
  <dead-band type="double">0.02</dead-band>
   <offset type="double">+0.0</offset>    <!-- 0.0 -->
   <factor type="double">2.0</factor>     <!-- 1.0 -->

  <axis n="2">
   <offset type="double">+0.5</offset>   <!-- -1.0 -->
   <factor type="double">+2.0</factor>   <!-- -0.5 -->

This joystick is still not working properly. 8-(
> Q2: Is there documentation on the Nasal information? What needs
> to be done to use nasal to control the joystick as shown
> below (from the default joystick)? Is this the official way to
> go now for joysticks?

There isn't much written documentation for the input system
specifically (Nasal documentation in general is at and  For the most part,
you can simply copy what you see in other joystick files.

Great! I'll look into the nasal info that you mention.

Thank you!


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