Jim Wilson wrote:

Hmmm...maybe reusability isn't the most important issue here. While I know
that there are many stock devices that are the same in different aircraft, it
almost seems that numerically, with the number aircraft we have modeled now,
the non-common instruments are (or should be) more frequent.

Actually, the opposite is true, at least for general aviation: almost all instruments and avionics are stock -- aircraft manufacturers buy them all off the shelf, as do owners upgrading their planes. For example, a United altimeter, a Bendix-King transponder, or a Garmin 430 GPS/COM is just as likely to appear in a Cessna 172 piston single as in a Beech King Air twin turboprop. Even the new general-aviation glass cockpits use mostly standard stuff.

Back in the 1970's, Cessna did stamp its brand name on some radios (they have a bad reputation), and altimeters require different decals for every aircraft to show the correct stall speed, etc., but those are exceptions. If I have a problem with the #2 radio in my plane, I will post to a list mentioning that I have a problem with a KX 170B, not that I have a problem with a Piper Warrior radio. The person offering me advice might well be flying a Cessna 310, but the radio works the same way.

All the best,


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