On Fri, 16 Jul 2004 16:02:31 -0500
"Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Any thoughts?  Any strong feelings?  We get a pretty good chunk of daily
> hits so we do have some "referring power" to swing around.  What do you 
> think?  Wrong way down the slippery slope?  Good idea?  I'll buy 
> anything with Curt's personal AAA*** rating?

I haven't been around long and haven't done much of anything yet, but my
personal opinion is that this is a very good idea.

1.  I doubt the money figures would be huge, but any is better than none.
It's unfair (and even ridiculous) that people like you who spend most of
the time keeping the project going are also people coughing up personal
money for things like keeping the website up.

2.  The typical banner ad is not that obtrusive these days.  Furthermore,
I suspect it's a small group that would be at the web page frequently
enough to find the banner ads annoying (viz. the project developers and
the most active users).  And I dunno about IE, but most Linux browsers
these days have the ability to "Block all images from site
www.companybuyingadsonflightgearsite.com", so a visitor can turn off the
banner ads if desired.

3.  If the terms are that the deal can be cancelled without paying a
penalty of any sort, then if we try it and it sucks horribly, we bail.

4.  It's not porn being advertised; it's stuff that's relevant to the
population of visitors to some degree.  I don't mind so much seeing ads
for stuff I might actually find interesting.

Yes, not having to run banner ads for money would be better; but as a
trade for some money for the project, I think it'd be a good thing.

My only concern is the accounting of it.  I presume that you'd have to
take them at their word as to whether someone who clicked through then
purchased something while there?


Chris Metzler                   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                (remove "snip-me." to email)

"As a child I understood how to give; I have forgotten this grace since I
have become civilized." - Chief Luther Standing Bear

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