Ampere K. Hardraade wrote:
If we have to go through that much trouble to improve so little, we may as well as look into something more powerful... like OpenRT.

the last time we talked about that here it was not much more than a "proof of concept"-thing ... it was definitely interesting, but if I didn't understand anything wrong it is certainly not a feasible option right now.

I'm afraid, you cannot expect people to purchase new hardware for an
open source game to work ;-)

As long as it doesn't replace existing 3D technologies or at least
offers a viable alternative, it's probably a bit early to consider
doing such a significant step.

But if I remember correctly the project's webpage had some requests
that gaming companies should contact them if they are interested,
so since the project is run by a German university I would not
mind introducing FlightGear to them, on the other hand I personally
understand that very request as an attempt to gain financial support
by cooperating with such companies, something that FG certainly cannot
provide, rather FG itself would probably benefit significantly if there
was some sound financial basis ...

just my 20 cents ;-)


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