Curtis L. Olson schrieb:

I find that when I try to interpolate a nurbs surface through the grid points, the resulting surface misses many/most of the points, which is not what I expected. I also tried a least squares fit which actually I *really* like, however, I'm finding that the least squares fit blows up on some data sets for no apparent reason ... there's nothing ill defined about the data sets it is blowing up on.

NURBS aren't good conditioned. That means that depending on the input data it can easily happen that your result will be rubbish.

I don't know what least square fit you are doing, but it might as well be badly implemented (I don't know of the top of my head if they are badly conditioned as well)

What you might try is putting a bezier patch through the points. The Bezier curve guarantees you that it won't leave the convex hull of your points. But it won't go through your controll points (what you actually want to achive to smooth your data...)
And IIRC bezier curves are good conditioned.

Does anyone have any experience with nurbs++

No, I have never used nurbs++

or any other nurbs library who could help me out here?

I've heard quite a bit over nurbs in my numerics course at university though

I'm *not* looking for people who can help me google.

Well, googling for "bezier 2d" gave me:
(not exactly what you are looking for, but it looked like an easy to read "memory refresher")

Oh, I forgot I shouldn't have helped you googling :(

CU, Christian

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