I did look into the tip-shape quite a bit.

The tips on the 172P do actually curve downwards - apparently to reduce the 
tendency to slip.

However, I think the leading edge may be turned down too far which is 
something I can correct; I just need to find a good photo of the tip 

Cheers for having a look :-)

On Sunday 19 Dec 2004 19:58, Paul Surgeon wrote:
> On Sunday, 19 December 2004 20:46, Dave Martin wrote:
> > Any feedback you can give me is greatly appreciated :-)
> >
> > The FDM is untouched.
> The nose wheel pivoting is MUCH better - the nose wheel used to "rip" up
> the cowling everytime it moved.
> I notice one odd thing with the 172 and that is the wing tips look like
> they are turned downwards.
> It's probably got something to do with the smoothing.
> Is it possible to fix that?
> Otherwise it looks a fair bit better and I notice no frame rate hit.
> Load the polys, load the polys!  ;-)
> Paul
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