Arthur Wiebe wrote:

> What I will do and am in the process of doing is update the package to
> include this in an About.rtf file:
> "The following contents have been included by Arthur Wiebe and may not
> reflect the views of any of the contributors or developers of the
> FlightGear project."
> O hope that satisfies this issue.

No, you definitely took the wrong track.
You are free to create a _personal_ web page and place your statement
there, create a newspaper and sell it to the world. But don't - _never_
- abuse someone else's label to spread _your_ very personal attitude,
especially no package or web page labeled as "FlightGear <something>".

I'm sure everyone is happy to include your package into the
'official' FlightGear distribution if you simply remove that file.
Otherwise I'm pretty sure someone else will be able to step on that
plate and build such a package,

 Unix _IS_ user friendly - it's just selective about who its friends are !

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