* Jim Wilson -- Wednesday 23 March 2005 15:32: 
> I know we discussed this earlier [...]

... but I haven't read that thread again before implementing it. Was too lazy
to scroll up.  ;-)

> but when setting up some configurations on the p51 panel it occured to me 
> that a
> slightly different xml structure might be better. 

Agreed. A deeper hierarchy wouldn't hurt, especially in the case of
"emission"/"ambient"/etc. But I'm not sure if this isn't giving up usability
for academic XML-cleanliness. 

> <animation>
>  <type>material</type>
>   <object-name>fuselage</object-name>
>   <global type="bool">true</global>
>   <state>
>     <material-type>emission</material-type>
>     <red>1.0</red>
>     <green>0.8</green>
>     <blue>0.3</blue>
>     <property>/controls/lighting/instruments-norm</property>
>     <offset>0.3</offset>
>   </state>

How does "emission-red-prop" fit into this system? And "emission-factor" would
also have no place. (Do we even need fixed factors?) Also, I don't like the
<state> thingy. That's IMHO a bit overdone -- the opposite of the current,
flat approach. Would then a simple property like "texture" also be a "state"
of "material-type" "texture"? The "material-" is redunant, anyway. It's
a material animation, after all.  :-)

If more depth, then it would IMHO be better to do it like this:

      <global type="bool">true</global>

Consistent, but frankly, already a bit verbose and hardly easier to maintain
than the current version. 

> We're widely using "factor" for a different purpose elsewhere
> (linear scaling) so "factor-prop" isn't exactly right,  and "property"
> and "offset" are pretty much well known in flightgear.

The *-prop extension is also (well?) known (->  e.g. "latitude-prop").
But you are right about the "factor" inconsistency. What I hate
most is the alpha-test anmiation's "alpha-factor" (which isn't multiplied
with anything. It's a threshold!)

> This really is a great addition you've made!

Thanks. It's fun to play with live properties at runtime. And a great help
for tweaking materials under fgfs lighting conditions.


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