Yes, that is what I tried: importing the wrl file. But in vain. The
file version is VRML V2.0 utf8 and is not recognised by AC3D.

So one of the guys in the team has created a new model from scratch,
using 3dstudio and we now have 2 versions:
- high quality model (~ 5000 polygons) saved as .3ds
- low quality model (~  640 polygons) also saved as .3ds

I have imported both into AC3D and saved them as .ac (I think
flightgear prefers that format) and it works!!!
HOWEVER.... I am now faced with a new problem....

--> How do you center the model on the flight dynamics coordinates?
The model is offset by quite a bit and I have tried editing the xml
file but with no success:


Does this script go in the aircraft-set.xml or the model.xml file?
Thanks for your help!

On 5/8/05, Sam Heyman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am writing concerning my UAV project again.
> I am trying to create the 3D model and I am finding it quite hard... I
> have a CATIA model of the UAV (just the skin, not all the interior) and
> I can save a copy of it as .wrl, .igs and quite a few other formats.
> I tried using the .wrl file in FlightGear, but it did not like it. I
> used ProEngineer to open the .igs version, hoping to be able to save it
> as .ac or .3ds, but neither were available.
> Does anyone know what I should do to be able to use the CATIA model of
> our UAV to create the 3D model in FlightGear?
> Thanks for your help!
> Sam
> PS: brilliant mailing list! it's fantastic to get so much support and
> advice! keep it going!
> ---------------------------------
> "It was a love of the air and sky and flying... It lay beyond the
> descriptive words of men." Charles Lindbergh
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Sam Heyman
Ryds Allé 13.109
58435 Linköping
mob: +46(0)730 754 703

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