Melchior FRANZ wrote:

For those who care: these changes to the beacon solve one of the recently
discussed problems with hanging FDM: The beacon is a quite expensive structure.
It consists of about 1000 vertices and 950 triangles, all on the same spot.
When you fly over a beacon, the ground cache has to eat all these triangles,
which makes the FDM stutter or even hang. Quite a waste of effort, for the
fraction of a second that it takes to pass the beacon. With these changes
most of the 950 faces are invisible to the ground cache. There's only a
simple invisible pyramid instead for intersection tests. This does, of course
mean that you can't fly between the rails through the beacon any more ...  ;-)
The rumour goes that fixes for the other crash/hang problems are already
done, too, and will soon be applied. (And they work quite well so far.  :-)

Is this something that people should consider for any high poly structures then?

Jon Stockill

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