* dene maxwell -- Friday 17 February 2006 05:53:
> What port number for write ?
> What port number for read? (I prefer confirming protocols)

That's called TCP, then. Yes, that's possible. Just run fgfs with
--telnet=5500, then you can telnet into it and read/write to properties.

  $ fgfs --telnet=5500

Then wait until it's running, and from another terminal window
telnet into it:

  $ telnet localhost 5500
  Valid commands are:

  cd <dir>           cd to a directory, '..' to move back
  data               switch to raw data mode
  dump               dump current state (in xml)
  get <var>          show the value of a parameter
  help               show this help message
  ls [<dir>]         list directory
  prompt             switch to interactive mode (default)
  pwd                display your current path
  quit               terminate connection
  run <command>      run built in command
  set <var> <val>    set <var> to a new <val>
  show <var>         synonym for get

And the whole telnet/socket connection can also be done
by a script. Look into scripts/ dir for examples.

> What format to access each property?

Start with        "data"
Then read    ...  "get /position/longitude-deg"
                  "get /position/latitude-deg"
Or write     ...  "set /sim/foo 123"
and finally       "quit"

This way you can do about everything. Read/write properties,
execute built-in commands, or transfer arbitrary Nasal code and
let fgfs execute it. You can even transfer whole dialogs and pop
them up in fgfs.


That would suit my needs exactly if;
a) I wanted to do it manually
b) I could start a telnet session from within VB6 (not saying you can't just I haven't yet)

was really hoping that it could be treated like an object using UDP. eg
set com1.freq=129.6
set nav1.pri.freq=103.3
set nav1.sec.freq=105.3
set nav1.radial=161
set adf.freq=234

will have to investigate starting a telnet session within VB if no other ideas come to pass

Cheers, thanks for the suggestion

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